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Mar 05, 2008


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Very interesting, both part I and II. I really liked the ideas for improving healthcare in the U.S. I am married to a Swede and lived in Sweden for five years where equal healthcare means high taxes and the result is not a particularly efficient healthcare system. I have often wondered about how reform can happen in the US in a way that wouldn't lead to a system with the flaws of the Swedish system and the creative thinking proposed by Fogel strikes me as good on many levels. (I like the 'communities coming together' nature of it better than the depersonalizing or 'take your number and wait' reality of the socialist health system)

I am currently living in Malaysia and in the nearly three years we've been here we've seen big changes in the overall welfare of society and change continues to burst forth all around us here. (Not always positive as we notice a HIGH amount of credit card promotion going on)

I was directed here by Scott McKnight's weekly meanderings and I'm glad. Thanks for sharing from what you've read.

Michael W. Kruse

You are welcome, Jenny. Thanks for taking the time to share your insights. You bring an important perspective to the table. I glad you followed Scot's link.

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