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Dec 01, 2009


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Josh Rowley

As an introvert (INTP), I love this post!

Rick McGinniss

As one who is also an INTJ (and also heavy on the N/T, light on the I/J) ... I feel your pain. :)

Adam McHugh

Hey Michael,

I think IVP sent you a copy of my new book, Introverts in the Church. I'd be curious to read your thoughts on the book. I devote two chapters to introverts in Christian leadership, one of which was excerpted in Christian Century last month. They called the article "Can Introverts Lead?" http://www.christiancentury.org/article.lasso?id=7964

Another gift I think many introverted leaders have is self-awareness, since we spend so much time in our inner worlds. I think this is an important attribute to model for others, because it seems so many people in our culture are unselfconsciously bounced around by any number of external forces without self-reflection.

Michael W. Kruse

I have the book and it is coming up on my reading list this week. I'm looking forward to it!

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