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Apr 21, 2009


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"This is about the most inane piece of commentary I’ve read in awhile."

I couldn't agree more.

Travis Greene

"It is sadly a widely shared sentiment among many in more emergent forms of Christianity."

I'm not sure if that's an accurate assessment. There is probably a move toward considering other economic systems or forms that could be better than our current system, but that's hardly the same as chucking economics, as a discipline and category, out the window to play in the flowers.

Otherwise, I think you're spot-on here. God's kingdom will judge, transform, and redeem politics & economics & such, not destroy them.

Michael W. Kruse

All I know, Travis, is that whether at the Ooze, at Emergent gatherings, and some blogs, there are many who use the term "institutional church" like a swear word. :-)

I get similar vibes economic activity that is about anything other than micro-economic activity. "Corporation" is another swear word. :-)

I see lots of philosophical reflection about macro-society but little practical reflection on the nuts and bolts of how society might function.


As with some of the "theology" in the book, the "economics" that are slipped in here and there aren't "the point" either. I am sorry for the "jabs" the author took ... but that doesn't diminish the importance of the main thrust.

We're waiting for you to write the engaging narrative about the garden in the city, where redeemed human creativity and cooperation show us how to do it....get with it, dude! ;^)


Not to mention the opening slam on marriage. This whole attack on institutions is way low-church. Not just non-Catholic, but against the stewardship end of Protestantism, too - most especially Presbyterians.

I had been urged to read this book, but I don't think I will.

Alan Wilkerson

Personally I liked the book, then again the author is a local, I remember the passage you quoted and sort of just wrote it off as a "gimme" for the author and his feelings about things.

I can see your point and agree that cities, politics, and any economy, macro, micro, international or organic has to exist. I don't know if what you wrote about emergent is true with respect to economics but I would harbor a guess they are very much in favor of publishing houses and copy write laws.

I will say that I too have heard "institutional" church used as a way to downplay anything that doesn't fit their model. I particularly love it when it comes from a pastor meeting with over a thousand on Sunday morning... LOL

thanks for the words

Michael W. Kruse


I'm workin' on it. :-)


I thought it was worth the read. I does is helpful in wrestling with the issue of why evil things happen and many people resonate with it. It is an interesting sociological phenom that so many are attracted to it.



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