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Oct 24, 2008


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Matt S.

Thank you for posting this Michael. My family and I have been seriously considering attending and maybe eventually joining one of the Pres (pc usa) churches in our area. There are two that we have visited that we appreciated. We have withdrawn from our non-denom church as we became frustrated with so many things, but specifically the un-willingness to acknowledge shortcomings and acknowledge the changing cultural context. To see both of those in this document is encouraging. At this point, the things you've shared and what we have seen locally has created an interest in us.

Michael W. Kruse

Matt, the PCUSA is in major transition ... and into what, no one knows. You will find congregations that are encouraged by what I've posted here and others that are very troubled. It is a very diverse denomination.

I'm glad you're finding PCUSA congregations where you feel like you can connect. There a lot of good ones around!

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