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Sep 12, 2008


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It appears you have a little extra time on your hands! So who won?

Michael W. Kruse

Actually, we were sitting for two daughters of our friend and we broke it out for that occasion. Mrs. Kronicle is the master. I suppose it has something to do with growing up on a hog farm in Iowa.


Don't forget - you can decide to keep your points and "pass the pigs" or keep on rolling, but if you get caught making bacon you lose all your points, even the ones you've kept. :-)

This is fun.


I'm pretty sure that game was actually merketed in New Zelaland (and perhaps elsewhere too) as "pass the pigs".

Michael W. Kruse


Thanks for the additional rule. I knew I'd skip over something. I updated the post.


The copyright on the box is to David Moffat in 1977. Says it was produced and distributed by Recycled Paper Products, Inc. I've always wondered what the history was.


I love this game. I was introduced to it a couple years ago by some friends in Carbondale, IL.

The maker of this game--if they have any brains at all--ought to be in the process of rushing out a special Election 2008 Edition...bigger pigs, all of them with lipstick and marks on their ears.

Michael W. Kruse

LOL. I love the election edition idea. Wonder who now owns the trademark.


Ah yes, I love this game, too. It's fun, because even my littlest ones can play it, and by the time they can write numbers and add them up, they enjoy trying to be the scorekeepers.

And I'd much rather play a pretty mindless game like Pass the Pigs (that's what the version I bought in college is called) than listen to politicians distort each other's words, cheered on by the media.

Michael W. Kruse

Amen! And following Van's lead, we could probably invent a new version about congress called "Pass the Pork."

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