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May 22, 2008


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Jim Moss


I read a little Stackhouse in seminary, and found it extremely dense, but also quite fascinating. I'll have to put this book on my reading list (which is already way too long!)

As for Christ and Culture, I find myself flirting with the "Christ against" position more and more as time goes by...

Michael W. Kruse

The book is dense in the sense that is packed full. But I think it is well worth effort.

Brad Cooper

Hey Michael, Just happened to drop by and thought I'd say "Hi!" And thanks for the lead on this great book....It will soon be on my way too long Amazon wish list. (And although, I could not agree with everything Niebuhr says in Christ and Culture, I did find it quite provocative and worthwhile.)

Hope things are going well for you, brother. Peace.

Michael W. Kruse

Hi Brad. Good to hear from you. I don't think you will be disappointed in the book.


This is a helpful review. One small correction: The Niebuhr who wrote Christ and Culture was H. Richard Niebuhr, Reinhold's brother. The brothers had some points of overlap, but were definitely not carbon copies of each other. Their public views on occasion were in conflict.

H. Richard's five analytic categories should not determine or limit our positions, but they do help clarify issues that we need to think through for any position we take.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks John. Absent-minded mistake. The typology was by Richard. Chapter 2 is about Reinhold. I fixed it in the post.

Your last sentence is Stackhouse's main point.

Secret Latte

Thanks for the review on both books. As an American ministering in Western Europe, I'm struggling with how Christianity can look so different depending on the culture in which you find it, so I'll be checking both of these books out soon. Blessings!

Michael W. Kruse

Your weclome, SL.


Thanks for the post. I will check out the book.

You might be interested in the Christ and Culture survey at my site. It uses Niebuhr's typology and is designed to place you in one of his five categories.

I am also working on a Bible study version of the survey.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks David. I expect to do a chapter by chapter review of this book, probably starting in May.

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