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Nov 05, 2007


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Bob Robinson

Great post.

I too see that our understanding of the Imago Dei is essential to our understanding of our place in the world.

I sat in a church a few months ago and the pastor rubbed his fingers together and said, "this stuff is not really us," meaning that our physicality is not who we really are, but that we are created as spiritual beings.

I was amazed not only at tthis neo-platonist teaching but with the people in the classroom that were nodding in agreement.

Michael W. Kruse

I know what you mean Bob. It is everywhere.

Dana Ames

I see the makings of at least a monograph here...

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Dana. I'm trying to keep this to a three or four part series but this understanding is core is central to everything else I understand about economic behavior.

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