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Nov 13, 2007


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Michael, i'm looking forward to this...thanks for helping enlighten us about these things!

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Him. Writing this stuff help me better articulate. We'll see if it makes any sense.

Viola Larson

Thanks Michael,
I am looking forward to this too, and you can imagine why.

Jon Wilson

Sounds like an interesting topic. A few items that might be of interest if they fit into your topic:

1) Are tax deductions for church contributions a good thing?

2) Should government provide charitable services? Is governement capable, in the medium to long term, of providing such assistance ethically (ie without using it as a lever to exert control)?

Michael W. Kruse

Jon, the items included within this series (see here) fit more into what I think are errors of logic or misapplication of scripture.

I think tax deductions and government services fall more into the realm of wisdom and discernment. We are talking about trade-offs from a set of policies, not errors in logic and biblical interpretation.

However, they are important policy questions.

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