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Aug 17, 2006


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Ted Gossard

I lean toward a fairly solid scepticism toward "global warming". Earth seems to go in cycles, and has been on a general upturn for some time, I believe, in spite of the fear of cooling a few decades back. (My position is in some significant part due to a post you had earlier that Scot McKnight tagged as one of his "meanderings" of the week)

I do think Christians need to speak for continued work in cleaning up the environment- the water, land and sea, and of course, air. I don't think our dumping of toxins the way we do is good for human health. Though (and my nature hates to say this) neither do I think we can or should stop all such tommorow. But we need to think long term, and little by little.

So when scepticism about "global warming" comes up, I say, "Yeah. I really do wonder..." But I think we need to be careful not to sidestep our continued problem of environmental waste, and how best to keep improving, as well as balance meeting other needs and realities.

Thanks Michael.

Michael Kruse

Thanks Ted.

"So when scepticism about "global warming" comes up, I say, "Yeah. I really do wonder..." But I think we need to be careful not to sidestep our continued problem of environmental waste, and how best to keep improving, as well as balance meeting other needs and realities."

Be sure to check out Part 2 of this post which I will post Monday. I am an envrionmentalist and fully agree with you. I don't want to give my thunder away entirely here though. *grin*

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