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Aug 29, 2006


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Benjamin P. Glaser

Wow. This would be very useful in a discussion I am having with a fellow seminarian about the Christian life and property. With your permission I would like to link this article in our discussion.

Benjamin P. Glaser

Here is the discussion if you would like to take a gander.


Michael Kruse

Link away Benjamin and thanks for the link.

L. VanDan

How transparent you are to use white 'hillbilly' America as an example of 'poverty.' However, you overlook the obvious. There are all kinds of poverty in the world. Physical poverty (on Maslow's hierarchy of needs) takes care of only one kind. But there are others as well-- poverty of the mind, the spirit, social poverty, etc. Jesus was well aware that some poverty is a transient state of bad fortune and is not, as in your example, a state of laziness or what I call self-perpetuating poverty. I grew up near and around poverty all of life. There were clearly some social malcontents who were greedy, not needy. And there were also people that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and just needed a little 'boost' to be ok again. Jesus wisely counseled his disciples to put poverty into perspective and worship God first and help those in need second. As long as there are human character flaws, evil, and ignorance in the world, we will ALWAYS have poverty, and it is wise to realize that. Poverty is a form of disorder, and as such, is a kind of disease. We can prevent some, but not all disease until we live in a righteous state. And who knows when that will be!

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