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Aug 24, 2006


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Viola Larson

Thank you Michael,
Your post and the book addresses a subject that has long needed addressing. I intend to read the book.
Viola Larson

Michael Kruse

Thanks Viola. I have read a number of your posts on Presbyweb and your articles published elsewhere. You need to start a blog. Peace.

Dana Ames

Thanks so much for the review. The neglect of trinitarian focus is now coming back to bite us... and those who want to recapture its importance are looked on as being "novel"!!I appreciate the analysis of why the discussion between the two "sides" is so tedious and fatiguing. No one has ever put the words on it for me before.


Michael Kruse

Giles sure put it into words for me. His two books just brought all the pieces into focus for me.


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Michael Kruse

Jorge, you have caught me at really bad time. I am on my way out town tomorrow to a weeks worth of very intense meetings I am still trying to prepare for. I would love to engage your questions at some length. It is probably going to be ten days before I can really get back to this.

I have read most of the articles you mentioned. I am very much aware of Grudem's take and I don't hold Grudem's scholarship in high regard. Giles too argues from history and shows case by case how Grudem and others are misrepresent the historical account. I you haven't read Giles book I would highly recommend it because there is no way I can fully do justice to his case.

Prov 18:17

The one who first states a case seems right, until the other comes and cross-examines.


Comment removed at author's request.

Michael Kruse

Thanks Jorge. I'll get back to this eventually.


Excellent article. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!

Michael Kruse

You are welcome!

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