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Jul 20, 2006


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Ted Gossard

Some good stuff from JPII.

It is hard for people to shake off the notion that the pastors (or in this case, priests) are the ones engaged in the work of God. While the "laypeople" support them in that. (Included with pastors/priests would be missionaries.)

And laypeople see themselves as doing Christian work some of the time. Instead we need a vision that all that we do is Christian work. We don't have that vision (laypeople in general), and therefore we don't see or do our everyday work/vocation in that way (generally).

Michael Kruse

Elton Trueblood used the metaphor of pastor as "player-coach." Having played two of my four years of college soccer with a player-coach, I have never come up with a better analogy.

I depart significantly from the Roman Catholic perspective on the nature of pastors and I will write more about that later. However, one of my reasons for posting this is to show that the RCs, the most clergy/laity defined institution on the face of the planet, have a better grip on what the "common ministry" is than do most Protestants I know. Personally, I find it quite ironic.

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