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Jun 29, 2006


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JP Anderson

Great reminder. Never heard these verses in the context of self interest. Also, great reminder that our self interest must be spirt illumined - hard to discern though.


will spotts

Well done, Mike.

What you are saying has been hard for me to come to terms with . . . for some reason I have tended to view self-interest as bad -- as if this were a necessarily Christian view. But it can't be denied that *at least enlightened* (and not predatory) self-interest has contibuted to the well being of a far greater number of people than have philsophies based on its denial. To do something that in effect harms others because we want to feel virtuous for our lack of self-interest is, in reality, remarkably selfish.

Michael Kruse

Thanks guys. I think I first came across King's speech about 25 years ago. His insight struck me like a 2X4 then and still does when I go back and revisit it today.

Somewhere we have gotten a strange notion that to take interest in ourselves is sinful. Yet Jesus died for us (meaning we are each of inestimable worth) and based his ethics on the assumption that we would love ourselves. If Jesus loves me, then why shouldn't I love me? The problem is not that we love ourselves but that we are so confused about how to love ourselves justly and rightly before God. It is elevating ourselves above proper reatlionship to God and others that is selfishness. I keep learning this lesson over and over.

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