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Jun 05, 2006


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Dana Ames

Have you read Thomas Cahill's books? I love 'em. The notion of linear time, particularly, and the goodness of the created world, are key things in his book about the Jews.

I'm reading a book by F. LeRon Schults, theology prof who just left Bethel for a stint in a public university in Norway. His thing is relational theology based on the interrelationship of the Trinity, and he has a lot to say about futurity.

Great thoughts about scripture. I am happy to discover in Shults, NT Wright and others a hopeful vision of the future arising from a different interpretation of scripture than what I encountered in my sojurn as an evangelical. We have serious work to do, but it's not all doom and gloom and fire and brimstone.

Thanks for blogging this book.

Michael Kruse

I have read "Gift of the Jews" and "How the Irish Saved Civilization." Great stuff!

I am not familiar with Shults. Sounds like someone I need to check out.

It isn't just Evangelicals who need to work through eschatology. Mainliners essentially don't have one!

Jesus talked about the wheat and tares growing up together. I think there is growth toward shalom when we take the long view of history. It comes in fits and starts; advances in one place are inhibited only for greater advances to pop up in another place. I don't think we can ever achieve full shalom apart from Christ's return but I do expect we will see ever growing evidence of God at work in the world between now and Christ's return.

Thanks for your affirmation of this "book." I am now getting ready to launch into my conclusions. I have really enjoyed doing this.

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