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May 18, 2006


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Dana Ames

I am intrigued with your line of thought. It is indeed obvious that poverty is the norm. Looking forward to your posts.

Michael Kruse

Thanks Dana. I hope they will be worthy of your time.

Rob Boldt

Just found your blog and am intrigued. Another good resource on property rights/law as a catalyst or inhibition to prosperity is The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else by Hernando DeSoto.

Rob Boldt

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Rob. I love DeSoto's book. Great stuff. Glad you stopped by to comment.


Just read an article from CT on Anne Rand by Gary Moore. Are you familiar with him or the "Good $ense Movement"?
Thought you might want to blog on it.

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