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Apr 24, 2006


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Quotidian Grace

This book is very intriguing. Thanks for the heads-up! Do you think it could be used for an adult study group, or is it too academic for the general public?

Michael Kruse

I think it is perfect for the general public. That was clearly their target market and I think they hit it well. It is a great primer.


Thanks so much for the recommendation, Michael! I read and enjoyed the Da Vinci Code and, because it is found in the FICTION section at all the bookstores I have been in, never saw what all the uproar was about in the Christian community. However, with the movie coming out in May, we need to be ready to have an intelligent conversation about these issues and this book sounds like a great resource! Thanks again for the heads up!

Michael Kruse

Hi Kelly. You are welcome.

I think two reasons stick out in my mind for Christians needing to know more about this topic. First, those that are not familiar with scripture will read Brown's book as fiction and wonder what the real story is. Most of us are unprepared to give an answer.

The second reason is that despite being fiction, Brown, has a "fact" section at the front of the book. The last statement says "All descriptions of artwork, architecture, DOCUMENTS [my emphasis], and secret rituals in this novel are accurate." That has led to considerable confusion in some circles so I think it is good for us to sort out the fact from fiction.

Wednesday I will have a review of a DVD that I think may be helpful.

Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for a great review, Michael. I just added this to my Amazon wishlist. (Father's day is coming up!)

At my own church and in the "christian" bubble these days, The Da Vinci Code is getting lots of play. Frankly, I'm baffled by this. In my high school, we learned that novels were fiction. Clever novelists, of course, mix "fact" and fiction in interesting ways to delight readers and generate lots of book sales. I would say that Dan Brown falls into the "clever" camp.

(Everyone I know who has read Da Vinci Code says it's great fun. I fully intend to read it on summer vacation.)

But I fear that the church, by coming up with all sorts of refutations, risks being seen by most of the rational population in the same way as a biologist who says that Winnie the Pooh unfairly represents large, hairy mammals.

Michael Kruse

"But I fear that the church, by coming up with all sorts of refutations, risks being seen by most of the rational population in the same way as a biologist who says that Winnie the Pooh unfairly represents large, hairy mammals."


Yes we all do seem to get just a little hyper about some of this at times. Still, as noted in today's post about Bailey's DVD I wouldn't say the book is totally benign, though I think it is hardly worth all the angst expressed. I mostly see this event as an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion with others. I look forward to it as fun, not with fear.


Some people find it easy to distinguish between fiction and non-fiction, but there are a good many people who are looking for error, scandal, and intrigue.

I found the DaVinci code to be second-rate fiction, but my own mother-in-law told me that she felt it is not only plausible, but that it may be the truth.

I see no need to be in an uproar or to insist on a boycott of the book or movie. We do have a responsibility, however, to "[a]lways be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1Peter 3:15).

The book sounds like an excellent resource, and I await the release of the book in May/June.

Thanks for posting your excellent review!

Michael Kruse

Your welcome Ivy and thanks for stopping by.

Truth Seeker

Still doesnt rank up there with the likes of Josh MacDowell's "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" Now that should be read, its an oldy but goldy!!
On a side note I cant understand why the authors felt the need to call the book "reinventing Jesus". If I were writin this book, I would distnce myself from using that term as McLaren, Jones, and other emergent folks have already abused it. Jesus cant be reinvented!


Michael Kruse

Hi Truth Seeker. I think the authors use the title to describe what other people are doing not what the authors of this book are doing. The title is an indictment of what is happening the media and the public square. They are arguing against all this reinventing of Jesus stuff.

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