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Aug 05, 2005


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will spotts

OK. I follow you now.

Thanks -- this is a very good illustration of your premise.

(Slavery for example -- many in the US pointed to the Bible as an approval of slavery, when US slavery bore no resemblence to the practice outlined here. If this were the US practice -- even if it were not the desired final intent, it would not have been that onerous in itself, and it could not have continues for hundred of years.)

I like how you're trying to apply this to our economic issues today. Above all, and I think what we find troubling, is the whole underlying idea that we are depending on God -- not on ourselves. This system serves to illustrate the point, and it would perhaps have had interesting applications as practical conditions had changed.

As for my earlier questions, I would say, if I understand you correctly, that the premise or principal was always contained or pointed to in the law, but its ideal applications were not.

Michael Kruse

"...the premise or principal was always contained or pointed to in the law, but its ideal applications were not."

Exactly! That is my take. On some issues the trajectory development toward ideal applications is quite clear. On other issues, like war or the status of women, there seems to be conflicting messages. I hope to eventually get to some these messy issues later.

I agree that recognizing our dependence on God is troubling. In fact, I suspect that it may be the hardest obstacle to overcome for those of us who have grown up with abundant resource and power (which is most Americans by global statndards.) It is like a narcotic that numbs us to the urging of God's Spirit. We come to mistake the benefits of God's grace as our entitlement.

will spotts


It's very easy to forget that the abundance of things we have is the exception rather than the rule.

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